Day 3: Feedin’ the Horseys

WARNING: Not a lot happens in this episode. My car almost runs out of gas, but it doesn’t. So that’s kind of anti-climactic, especially now that I spoiled it for you. But there’s laser-dinosaurs at the end!

From the KOA Campground in Douglas, Wyoming I pointed my car west across the emptiness. At least Wyoming has rolling emptiness; the hills had steadily grown since Nebraska, and the first things that you might call “mountains” were in the middle distance. Still, things were so barren and treeless that I frequently passed giant artificial wind breaks (i.e. fences). They could PLANT some trees, you’d think…

It really is pretty, it's just not super photogenic.

West of Casper I made a random stop when I saw some horses chewing grass along the roadside. I want to make some horse-friends, I thought. Those Clif Shot Bloks in my bag would make perfect horsey snacks, I thought.

And so they were, though I saw one of the three nonchalantly spit his out. The other two were more than happy to bicker over who’d had more Shot Bloks. Chill, guys, I’ve got a whole pack of them.


By 2:00 I was convinced Day 3 would be my most blasé of days, accented only by horse-feeding, until I turned the car north from Shoshone and found myself driving down Wind River Canyon. Continue reading Day 3: Feedin’ the Horseys